The Executive Committee of ECAHO would like to inform its members that it discussed the current conflict in Eastern Europe, specifically in Ukraine.
The Executive Committee of ECAHO unanimously condemns the invasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces and agrees on the cessation of all ECAHO activities related to Russia.Obsah obrázku text

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No national/international ECAHO affiliated events to take place in Russia, until further notice
- No Russian national symbols, colors, flags, etc. should be displayed and no Russian anthems should be played in national/international ECAHO affiliated events, until further notice
Horses, participants and officials
- No horses registered under the Russian ownership to participate in national/international ECAHO affiliated events, until further notice
- No officials (national/international judges, DCs, ringmasters) listed under Russian members to participate in national/international ECAHO affiliated events, until further notice
- No Russian national symbols, colors, flags, etc. should be displayed and no Russian anthems should be played in national/international ECAHO affiliated events, until further notice
ECAHO Elected officials/Commissions’ members
- Representatives from ECAHO‘s Russian members to step aside temporarily from their roles and responsibilities of elected officials/commissions’ members

ECAHO Breeders Fund

- No grant to be awarded to ECAHO‘s Russian members, until further notice
The above measures enter into force on Sunday, 13 March 2022, 24:00 CET.
The Executive Committee of ECAHO further expresses its wish for a peaceful solution to be found as soon as possible.

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