Chairman: Klaus G. Beste
Each (Full) Member has the right to appoint one representative (delegate). The Show Commission meets 3-4 times a year.
The objects of the Show Commission (EAHSC) are:
- to affiliate Arab Horse Shows in member countries, and to approve dates, venues, conditions of entry and rules of conduct thereat;
- to develop, maintain and advise on systems of judging at national and International Arab Horse Shows;
- to instruct and train judges and Disciplinary Committee (DC) members;
- to create and maintain lists of recommended Arab Horse judges, DC’s and Ring masters
- to maintain and publish periodically a record of results of affiliated shows;
- to institute each year in a Member country a show to be known as the European Championships for Arab Horses;
- to create and enable enforcement of rules for ECAHO events, ECAHO affiliated events, and for Permanent and Temporary Officials;
- to create and enable enforcement of rules for the correct and fair conduct of horse owners, exhibitors, horse handlers, grooms, and assistants.
Chairman: Elisabeth Chat
Each (Full) Member has the right to appoint one representative (delegate). The EAHSpC meets once a year.
The objects of the Sport Commission (EAHSpC) are:
- to promote and maintain the aesthetic, mental, physical and functional qualities of the Arab Horse;
- to develop, co-ordinate and standardize national and international ridden and driven Arab Horse sport competitions in member countries (except races);
- to affiliate Arab Horse sport competitions in Member countries and to approve dates, venues, schedule, conditions of entry, rules of conduct and appointment of judges thereat;
- to create and maintain lists of recommended judges for Arab Horse sport competitions in Member countries;
- e) to institute each year in a Member country and to define the rules of an annual international ECAHO sport championship in Europe;
- to stimulate international contacts between National Arab Horse sport competition organisations within the Member countries;
- to promote the Arab Horse as a versatile, complete, functional and easy to ride horse;
- to select the best Arab Horses under saddle and to encourage them to participate in open sport competitions for all breeds;
- to maintain and periodically publish the results of affiliated Arab sport competitions;
- to create and enable enforcement of rules for ECAHO events, ECAHO affiliated events, and for Permanent and Temporary Officials;
- to create and enable enforcement of rules for the correct and fair conduct of horse owners, riders, grooms, and assistants.
Each (Full) Member has the right to appoint one representative (delegate). The EAHRIC meets once a year.
The objects of the EAHRIC are:
- to work with Stud Book Authorities and WAHO to improve co-operation between countries in stud book matters;
- to encourage the simplification of transportation, veterinary and bordercrossing requirements for horses passing from one country to another;
- to develop systems for the electronic transfer of horse registrations;
- to develop systems to facilitate identification of horses in ECAHO events;
Spokeswoman: Jacqueline Vandyke
members: Jacqueline Vandyke, Janet Court, Dr. vet. Laura Mascagna, Dr. vet. Malak Benamar, Line Brunsgaard, Dr. vet. Thomas Stohler, Dr. vet. Abdelwahab Amira, Dr. vet. Niels Ismer, Elisabeth Chat, Barbara Pfistner
DCIC is a Sub-Committee created and approved by the Executive Committee. DCIC was formed in 2008 and it works with the Show Commission, to prepare and train DC´s. The members (Instructors) are not elected but appointed by the Show Commission.
Tasks of the DCIC:
- to review all the DC reports from the shows and prepare a summary of these, which is presented to the Show commission at the end of the year,
- to gather information from the DC report to see what is working well and what needs to be corrected, in order to ensure the welfare of the horses and to make the shows as fair as possible for all the participants,
- to collect data about the DC´s - how many times they are used at the Shows, how early/late they send the DC report, whether the DC reports contain all necessary information,
- to advice on interpretations of the rules in the Blue Book and prepares amendments for the BB where they are necessary (upon request of the SC or EC),
- to give the courses for people who want to become DC´s and prepares recommendations to the Show Commission.
Chairman: Sylvie Eberhardt
Members: Sylvie Eberhardt, Urs Aeschbacher, Deirdre Hyde, Christine Jamar-Demeersseman, Mohamed Machmoum, Dr. vet. Thomas Stohler, Anna Stojanowska, Marek Trela, Claudia Darius, Joanne Lowe, Helen Hennekens-van Nes, Peter Upton
JIG is Sub-Committee created and approved to prepare and train Judges.
Tasks of the JIG:
- to give courses for people who want to become Judges´ (Level 0, Level I, Level II)
- to review the Judges´ education and propose changes and amendments
- to collect data about the Judges for the purpose of upgrade from B list to A list
- to advice on interpretation of the rules in the Blue Book
Coordinator: Klaus G. Beste (Chairman of SC)
Members: Maria Annaratone Ferraroni (representative of Judges), Dr. Malak Benamar (representative of DC members/RMs), Jacqueline Vandyke (representative of DCIC), Sylvie Eberhardt (representative of JIG)
CONTACT FOR JUDGES (A-list, B-list, ECAHO National Judges): Maria Annaratone Ferraroni
- The SOSC consists of 5 members in total. The acting Chairman of the EAHSC is ex officio member and chairperson of the SOSC during his term in office as Chairman of the EAHSC. The further 4 members are the representatives of the ECAHO listed (1) Judges, (2) DCs and Ringmasters, (3) DCIC, and (4) JIG. The further 4 members of the SOSC are elected by secret ballot for a term of 4 years.
- The members of the SOSC may be invited to attend the EAHSC Meetings and/or the ECAHO AGM without voting rights. Their statements shall be recorded. The Executive Committee shall decide on the compensation for costs and expenses of SOSC representatives participating at such meetings.
Tasks of the SOSC:
- Presenting matters arising from the ECAHO Show Officials to the EAHSC
- Advising and supporting the Judges-, DCs- and Ringmasters Instructors Groups regarding further education
- Advising the EAHSC and the Executive Committee regarding a controlling body for Judges like a Judges Observation Group or Ethic Commission
- Advising the EAHSC, the Executive Committee and the Instructors Groups regarding Ethics, Honesty and Integrity of Show Officials
- Proposing adjustment of travel expenses, daily rates and fees for Show Officials
- Further tasks may be added by decision of the EAHSC