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Show Officials Subcommittee (SOSC)

Show Officials Subcommittee (SOSC)


Zuzana Slavikova

results of the election - representatives of the Judges, DC members + Ringmasters, DCIC and JIG

Rest in peace, dear Marianne

Rest in peace, dear Marianne


Zuzana Slavikova

The Arabian horse community mourns today the loss of a remarkable and beloved figure.

Course for Sport Judges

Course for Sport Judges


Zuzana Slavikova

ECAHO Sport Judges Course Level I & II will be organized on 4-6 April 2024 in Wiener Neustadt.

VII. Addendum – Procedure of Affiliation - UPDATE

VII. Addendum – Procedure of Affiliation - UPDATE


Zuzana Slavikova

New text: "No more than 2 judges from each country in the show ring during the class/Championship shall be permitted." The rule is valid since now, you can apply it at your shows at the end of 2024 and also beginning of 2025.

RCS 32a) Hereditary disorders - Geldings

RCS 32a) Hereditary disorders - Geldings


Zuzana Slavikova

Geldings are excluded from the rule RCS 32a) Hereditary disorders (Overbite/underbite).

ECAHO Bulletin 2024

ECAHO Bulletin 2024


Zuzana Slavikova

ECAHO Bulletin with most important changes/new from the AGM and Commissions' meetings in Doha on 27 - 28 April 2024

New Vice-President of ECAHO

New Vice-President of ECAHO


Zuzana Slavikova

Congratulations to Mr. Mohamed Al Harbi who was elected a Vice-President of ECAHO at the last meeting of the Executive Committee.

Hereditary disorders - sample declaration for owners

Hereditary disorders - sample declaration for owners


Zuzana Slavikova

All owners - please note! New rule concerning hereditary disorders (over-/underbite and cryptorchidism) comes into force on 1 August 2023. Please read the Blue Book (Rules for Conduct, art. 32 a) and b) carefully and follow the instructions of the show organizers.

Press release

Press release


Zuzana Slavikova

Officials of ECAHO and AHO met on Sunday, 26th November 2017 in Paris to discuss their collaboration and future projects. The aim and common interest of both organizations is the support and benefit of the Arabian horse and its breeders based on a partnership of mutual respect.